2019 was a major year of travel for Jordan and I, well–mainly me. It seems like almost every airline’s cheapest flight no longer includes checked luggage. When we started to book our flights, it didn’t make sense for us to pay at least a $100 more roundtrip just to check luggage. Yet, the thought of packing for a week or more in a small suitcase and bag truly terrified me. If you haven’t figured out by now, when making a decision I do my research and that is exactly what happened! I spoke to friends who were carry-on only or even backpack-only travelers, read a lot of blogs, and tons of pinning and ultimately, I realized the value of carry-on only traveling.
So, at the end of 2018 (in prep for our year of travel), Jordan and I donated all of our luggage. Neither Jordan nor I really had proper carry on luggage so we invested in new suitcases that were carry-on approved and had decent warranties. It felt crazy and honestly, I held on to my suitcase for longer than I probably should have because once we went carry-on only I have yet to turn back.
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Making the most of our limited space
Though we have yet to find ourselves missing our full-sized suitcases, working in a new limited space was a challenge. Jordan, in what I believe is typical of him, really didn’t have that big of a challenge. He quickly became a packing master and can fit way more into his hand luggage than I can! Through our year of travel, we have figured out what works best for us and are happy to share how we were able to make the most of our carry-on luggage.
Fitting everything into our hand luggage
Jordan and I have totally different luggage and so, when we pack, we have two different styles of packing. If you are interested in what luggage we use, you can read all about it in our older post, New Gear. After watching many packing videos on Youtube & Marie Kondo-ing our clothes, I decided to invest in some packing cubes.
Jordan’s suitcase is a traditional soft suitcase and thus, the opening is one large area with minimal storage on the opening side. We both use packing cubes, but he tends to use the larger ones in the set I shared above because he layers them. He separates his clothing by type into his packing cubes and by rolling and really packing his clothes into the cubes, he has enough room for all his clothes and a pair of sneakers AND a set of flip flops.
When I am packing my clamshell case, I strategically place items that can be squished on the one side and everything else on the other. I generally leave my TSA-approved liquids bag, any tech I am taking, and my toiletries/cosmetics bag for my “personal item” bag. Packing everything else into the larger carry-on. This works great for most of my flights. I credit being able to fit everything into my carry-on and personal item luggage because I utilize a packing list.
Packing Lists
Due to limited space, I start working on a packing list well in advance of the day I actually pack. I started making packing lists over a year ago and have grown obsessed. I am planning on writing more about packing lists at a later time, so I will keep this brief. By utilizing a packing list you are giving yourself a starting point.
Most of my packing list consists of clothing and accessories I use every day. Often, as I wear something, I will think “oo, I need to bring that on this trip” or I recognize I am missing something like a hat that I want for this trip. By creating a list I am able to assess what is really needed and not. This helps me to not overpack. Realistically, if you don’t wear it in your everyday life why would you wear it on vacation? In my packing lists, I account for the different weather we will be facing. Utah is very dry, so when traveling to DC last year, I knew the average humidity was going to be way more than my everyday. To account for that change I purchased a dress that would be easy to pack, breezy, and not show major sweat stains. It honestly was a lifesaver that I ended up wearing twice while I was in DC! By having a packing list, I make the most of my limited space through careful planning and intentional packing.
Unique challenges
Though carry-on only works for us, there are some unique challenges. These may be unique to us but are significant. Like I said previously, I did a ton of research but sometimes the answer isn’t out there.
Size comparison of undies bag. Most videos I have seen fit 6 pairs of undies into the case in my hand compared to 6 pairs of garments in the packing cube.
Bulky garments
Every single multi-week packing video I watched, basically fit their undies into a small sandwich bag. I believe this works for 99% of the people out there. However, as an active temple-attending member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my undies aren’t as small as those in all the videos, I wear garments. Temple garments act as a reminder of the covenants I made in the House of the Lord with my Savior. You can learn about temple garments in this video. They are sacred to me and not something I would generally put out there but, in regards to packing, it was apparent that most packing tutorials don’t accurately reflect the space that our undies take.
Through a lot of trial and error I have figured out the best way to pack our garments in a carry-on is to utilize a packing cube. This packing cube is still bigger than a small sandwich bag but significantly smaller than not using one.
My quart sized bag that I use when traveling. It is TSA-approved and the best shape for my liquid items!
TSA-approved liquids
Another challenge with not checking in your luggage is the limited liquids you can take in your carry-on. I purchased this quart-sized bag to help because it is TSA approved and opens lengthwise which makes it easier to fit all my items. I also have purchased 3.4 fluid ounce travel items from Wal-Mart or Target. I empty the product out of the containers, wash the containers, and then put in the product I love. I found most of my shampoo, conditioners, etc don’t come in 3.4 fluid ounce sizes. The brands I use have travel sizes of 2 fluid ounces which is not going to cut a two-week trip!
My general go-to for makeup is Sephora, so before going on a major trip I will head in and ask for some samples. Their samples come in these perfect little plastic containers which I can fit 5 into a pill bag before placing into my quart-sized bag. I usually grab my serums, face lotions, etc from Sephora and they have always been super understanding. I simply explain that I am traveling and they are cool with providing samples for my travels. If for whatever reason your Sephora isn’t willing to give you samples, I am sure they would give you a few of the little containers to put your own products in. This has also worked for me when I have gotten to my destination and forgotten an item. I really love Sephora, my local ones have always been super helpful.
The nice thing about when Jordan and I travel together is he usually doesn’t have as many liquids as I do. This often means he will let me use some of his space. I have only been asked to use one of the airport’s plastic bags once. Unfortunately, my Tetris skills were not up to par and I got everything but one item to fit. Thankfully, Jordan had space and put that item in his baggie.
Generally, speaking these are our only challenges of carry-on only traveling. Once you read through the benefits you will see how easy of a decision it is to travel lighter with just carry-on luggage.
Benefits of carry-on only traveling
There are so many benefits to traveling light that I am always questioning if I can pack lighter. Jordan and I have quickly seen all that carry-on only traveling benefits us and can never really go back!
This may seem minor but to us, it is a big deal. When we travel we make the most of every minute in our destination. By carrying on your luggage you don’t have to waste any time at baggage claim or checking in your luggage! Though ideally this is not the case, but if you are late for your flight that is one less issue you will encounter.
Especially when traveling for a significant amount of time, you never have to worry about lost luggage because it is with you! Again, no wasted time because you have it all on you.
Packing in a smaller space forces you to pack less. Thus, your suitcase is lighter in weight. This is much more apparent when you are traveling somewhere with lots of steps or areas where you have to carry your luggage. Who wants to have back pain due to heavy luggage? Not me!
Cheaper flights
As I said previously, most economy flights nowadays are carry-on only. Why not save the money you would spend on checking in luggage to get to your destination, on having more fun in your destination? This is just a no brainer to us. Jordan and I would much rather spend more money on enjoying the place we are visiting than getting there.
That has been our carry-on only journey. To this day I am shocked it took me so long to hop on the less is more travel bandwagon, but I am grateful 2019 forced us to! Through traveling with just hand luggage we have gotten so much more out of our time in various places. There is little to no extra room so we rarely bring back souvenirs and it forces us to be more in the present while traveling. I honestly love it and the challenge of packing in only a carry on excite me and make me want to travel more.
I am totally curious how many who read this are carry-on only travelers. Please share in the comments what style of traveling you prefer (carry-on only vs. checked luggage) and any other thoughts!
Related content: New Gear, How to Find Cheap Airfare, Favorite 2019 Amazon Travel Purchases, How to Plan a Vacation without Stress
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