Healthy "Glow"

Lately, I have received like so many compliments that I look really good and even the other day someone said I look “angelic.” Can you believe that? I couldn’t! From being described as “glowing” to “angelic” I honestly attribute my new presence to two things. First, my 90 day cleanse (which you can read all about in my Restricted Diet blog post) has made a huge difference in my overall body, how I feel, and confidence. But I attribute more of these compliments to the fact that I have started to use self tanner this winter.

As it continues to get colder, I grow paler. I decided to start applying self tanner because I felt like I looked ill but I didn’t want to subject my skin to the UV rays of a tanning bed (though I would love to). Through some trial & error and plenty of research here are my personal favorite self tanning routines, tips, and products.

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Cool sunless tan anti-aging face serum.jpg

Face self tanner

My tan fades first on my face and upper body. I combat that with a specific tanner for your face. I apply self tanner about every other hair wash (or at least every other week). I have no need to look like I just got back from holiday, I just want to look healthy for me. Since I wash my hair in the morning, I apply the tanner the night before while doing my normal night time skincare routine. Before my final moisturizer application I apply the tanner. I use the Coola Anti-aging Face Tanner and love it.

I love the Coola self tanner because it is made specifically for your face. It has an anti-aging aspect and the formula is infused with a blend of argan oil and hyaluronic acid to better help moisturize, aid dull or uneven texture, and increase firmness and elasticity in your face.

The one negative is that it is very dark. To combat this I mix it with my normal face moisturizer on the back of my hand. Then I apply it all over my face, neck, ears, and into my hairline.  By mixing the tanner with my moisturizer I am able to better blend the tanner with my skin tone. I am all about that healthy glow so I try to make it look as natural as possible.

Body self tanner

Since I only use the Coola self tanner for my face, I have been on the search for a better body tanner that was moisturizing and didn’t give too dark of a tan. I had tried a bunch of different self tanners through asking for samples from my local Sephora but wasn’t mega impressed with any of them. Then, over the holidays, I stumbled onto this brand thanks to a suggestion from an instagrammed. I am obsessed!

The Butter by Tan-luxe is amazing. It is such a natural tan that I never dilute it with another moisturizer. I really love this self tanner because it doesn’t have such an apparent self tanner smell like most self tanners do, it is moisturizing, and there is a slight shimmer. I bought it over the holidays and got a killer deal but I honestly would pay full price because it is my absolute favorite!

I also purchased this tanning mitt by St Tropez for application so that I don’t get any dark spots on my hands. Like my face, I apply the night before I shower and try to wear loose clothing to bed as the tan settles. I apply the tanner starting from the bottom up, this way I am less likely to get dark lines where my body wrinkles to apply the tanner. Again, for me my natural tan fades the most on my chest and arms so that is where I use The Butter with my mitt, but the application process is the same if I were to tan my whole body.

Why I shower the next day

I think most people shower before applying a self tanner but I prefer to shower the morning after. Self tanner needs a fairly long time to settle and sometimes you can have unsightly dark spots. By showering after the tan has settled, you are able to catch any dark spots or places where it isn’t super blended. Then while showering you can exfoliate and even out your tan a little more. I think my tan looks more natural this way and less like a just-back-from-holiday tan.

Keep glowing

I included a before and after photo to show the glow increase. I love it and it wears really nicely. If you use another brand of self tanner or have a different method of applying self tanner please share with me! I am always interested in learning more ways to retain my Californian roots with a nice golden hue.

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Applying self tanner for a healthy glow